Comfort M

Needle free Multi-injection system : Comfort-M

Comfort-M™ Needle-free Multi-Injection System can be delivered liquid medicines or cosmeceutics into body & face by creating a very narrow velocity fluid straight line (essentially a “fluid needle”) with high pressure spring power through small orifice in the face of nozzle which penetrates the skin. Comfort-M™ is designed for multiple injection with 3ml nozzle and 25-30 continuous injection by 0.1ml

- Only one, Technical, Design & Trade mark Patent pended
- No ‘Sharp needle’ waste
- Safety from needle injury
- Faster absorption & Faster effectiveness
- Less dependent on doctor/nurse technique than needle syringe
- Specially designed for Aesthetic, Beauty, Skin & Scalp care, Body slimming program..etc.
- Short injection time

Target market
Enter self-injection
market apply previous
Comfort-In product
Enter skin disease
treatment market other than
orthopedics, dentistry, etc.
Enter face injection market
Enter market subject to
senior population
Enter plastic surgery market
Target developing
countries i.e.India
Enter the US tattoo removing
market Target tattoo market
Patent pended new product Filled 3cc nozzle and
30 injections by 0.1cc asthetic, scalp and various purposes -
Trendy and attractive design desposable nozzle
avoiding infection -
Frontier technology, reliable & safe productivity propose
for new paradigm as injection system into body -
Prefilling medicine or cosmeceutical nozzle
Best solution with Comfort-Multijet